The next chapter . . .

We know the end of a rom-com always has a happy ending . . .

girl gets guy / guy gets girl
big rush to the airport to stop them and declare their undying love,
they get married and live happily ever after

However, it’s totally naive to assume this also happens at the end of a memoir or biography.

Because…well it’s real life and shit happens (as I established in my book - literally).

As much as I would love to be whisked away by my Prince Charming to a far away land and make babies for the rest of my life, let’s face it - I’d probably get pretty bored.

(that’s not to say I don’t want it in the future)


So what’s actually happening in my life right now since I finished the last chapter of my book?

Well, I moved back to the Gold Coast when COVID went down to be closer to my family and friends in unpredictable times. Then went a little ‘wild teenager’ for a month or two (God bless my parents because I know they roll their eyes at me more often than just sometimes).

Ok, ok, ok

THEN, you’ll slap me if I tell you I went back to the narcissist one more time just to double check he hadn’t changed - so I’ll just slap myself for you.

Moving along then.

My health has been relatively stable.
Despite being diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue this month due to my Graves Disease flaring up, I’m managing my symptoms with early bed times, more frequent and substantial meals & (the sad one) only one coffee a day.

My Ulcerative Colitis on the other hand has been taking it easy on me lately, thank you Universe!

I have fallen head over heels into a deep love affair with my body. I spent days upon months listening to podcasts, reading books, watching videos on everything from sexology to tapping into your intuition more, tarot, meditation, and moon cycles. To be fair, I’m still overly obsessed and forever will be because, well, that’s just me now.

As you already know, I’m a huge believer that everything happens in the perfect time; that the twists and turns we somehow rabbit hole down lead us on paths we are meant to walk, even if they appear to be unmapped jungle territory at the time.

One unchartered path led me down the maze to discover Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which basically blew my mind in every single way. In a nutshell, NLP identifies and changes our unconscious limitations and patterns of behaviour through the use of language and communication. 

What I quickly learned was that everything in life is a choice. EVERYTHING.

I was stripped of everything that I’d ever known and was honestly left feeling pretty uncomfortable for a good week or two after my course had finished.

Suddenly I was no longer the victim of my life, but the creator of it. I could no longer hide behind excuses because every decision I had ever made was MY choice.

I learned that living in the effect of life, or a ‘victim’ mentally as I like to think of it, is dis-empowering yourself and handing over control to someone/something else. So, what NLP really taught me was to jump onto the other side of the equation and instead take responsibility for where I am by living at cause.

By putting yourself at cause and taking responsibility you have total power and control to respond instead of react to whatever life throws your way. You realise that emotions are no longer what happen to you but what you make of them (this was a big one for me because my sensitive soul can turn on the waterworks at the drop of my panties).

So I encourage you to reflect on your life right now and how you came to live it,
which paths you walked down until those doors closed and you had to try another door,
which crossroads you were faced with and chose to pursue,
and how you came to be where you are in this exact moment.

It’s all connected.

I encourage you to start taking responsibility for your life.

As they say
(in a post by an author who I can’t for the life of me identify, however, a disclaimer that these aren’t my words)

‘People don’t trigger you. 
They trigger your trigger.
You are moved by your triggered reaction.
Your trigger usually points to what you need to heal. 
And only YOU are responsible for your trigger and healing.’

Peace out, lots of love, and make good choices. 


'Poo talk is definitely a mood killer.' What it's like to date with an ostomy bag.